Can I Wear Heels in the 2nd Trimester?

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I actually have a bunch of questions haha. this is my first pregnancy and i am about 18 weeks along. I have so many people telling me to do this and not to do that my question is what do you say about high heels while you are pregnant do you suggest to stay away from wearing high heels? and my other question is how many weeks do you have to be until you can find out the sex of your baby?”

There are a couple of reasons why pregnant women usually avoid high heels. First is that pregnancy hormones cause your ligaments to soften, including the
ones in your feet. Then the weight of your pregnancy adds more pressure, and the result is that your feet become wider than they were before. Pregnancy also makes your feet swell. So a lot of women stop wearing high heels simply because their pre-pregnancy shoes don’t fit any more! After pregnancy the swelling will go down, but you may find that your feet are still larger than before, sometimes by as much as an entire shoe size. The other high-heel issue is balance: pregnancy causes your center of gravity to shift, making it easy to lose your balance and twist an ankle or fall. If you’re a supermodel, rock star or used to wearing high heels daily for whatever reason, you’ll be better able to compensate for the weight shift. But if you’re not used to walking in heels, pregnancy is not a good time to start. As for the baby’s gender, if you have an ultrasound after week 16 or so the technician will probably be able to make a good guess.
Good luck!

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