Does Swelling Mean I’ll Go into Labor Soon?

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Hi Sandy and Marcie. I’m 8 months pregnant and for the past few days I’ve been having stuffy ears and I feel like my legs have 20 lb weights on them. Are these some signs of the baby dropping or what?”

Swelling isn’t a sign of the baby dropping, but it is a sign that your body is retaining fluid in preparation for birth and labor. Stuffy ears, a runny nose and a congested feeling aren’t unusual. Your legs may feel huge and heavy, and your ankles may seem to disappear as a result. Arm swelling can also cause pregnancy-related carpal tunnel syndrome, which is when the extra fluid causes cramping and discomfort in your wrists. Rings, bracelets and wristwatches also won’t fit like they should—don’t try to force a ring onto a swollen finger, or it may get stuck! The good news is that within a few weeks after delivery most of the fluid will be gone. If you experience noticeably sudden swelling in your hands or face and/or blurred vision, though, call your care provider right away, as this may be a sign of high blood pressure.

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