- Fuller, sore breasts and nipples
- Lots of bathroom trips, and you’re thirstier than usual
- Sensitivity to smells and food aversions, feeling disgust at an odor or food that didn’t bother you before; nausea with or without throwing up
- Fatigue
- No period, or light blood spotting
- Food cravings
- Crankiness
- Bloating: puffy eyelids, tighter waistbands and bra straps
- Darker nipples
- Occasional feelings of dizziness or light-headedness
- A positive pregnancy test!
It’s important to know, though, that you could have all of the symptoms (except the last one) and still not be pregnant. Also, you can have a positive pregnancy test and none of the symptoms and still be pregnant. And you can have all of the symptoms, be pregnant and get a negative test if you test early, like in the first two weeks after conception.
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