I am wondering if gassiness is a normal thing early on in pregnancy???” Gassiness, with or without constipation, feeling bloated, heartburn and/or having stretching sensations in your belly are really common symptoms throughout pregnancy. They come from the pressure being put on your intestines by … [Read more…]
Swollen Feet, Back Pain and a Stomachache, Help!
I’m 39 weeks pregnant and I’m having really swollen feet and it hurts a lot. Also, I’m having back pain and stomachache. I also, would like to know after I guve birth how soon can I start exercising and what kind of exercise I could do? Thank you” ~ Veronica Unfortunately, swollen feet, back pain … [Read more…]
Why Can Pregnancy Cause Heartburn?
Heartburn happens when pregnancy hormones cause your smooth-muscle tissue to relax, slowing down digestion. Food sits in your stomach longer and you produce more stomach acid, and that acid can get backed up into your esophagus. And in the third trimester your baby starts to put pressure on your … [Read more…]
What is Pre-Eclampsia?
I have heard about women getting pre-eclampsia and I know it’s dangerous– what is it? What are the symptoms?” Preeclampsia is a rare-but-serious form of high blood pressure (hypertension) that can show up after the 20th week of pregnancy, and sometimes for the first time in the six weeks after … [Read more…]
Treating Bacterial Vaginosis
Hi! What I can take-and it’s safe-for Bacterial Vaginosis? Any natural medicine?” Bacterial vaginosis, or BV, is caused by an imbalance of naturally occurring bacterial flora. It was once thought of as just a harmless nuisance, but recent studies have linked untreated BV infections to some fairly … [Read more…]