Breastfeeding FAQ

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What is breastmilk?
Unlike the stuff in the dairy aisle of the grocery store, breastmilk is actually alive! Not only does it have protein, fats, and sugars, but it also contains living cells and antibodies that help a baby fight illness. Overheating breastmilk can actually make it less healthful, so don’t microwave or boil pumped milk. Instead, submerge a sealed pumped bottle in a bowl of warm water for a minute, then swirl it gently. Repeat as needed until the milk is body temperature.

How does breastfeeding work?
Basically, specialized glands in a breast make milk from a mom’s blood and bodily fluids. Breastfeeding is a feedback cycle between mom and baby: the action of the baby’s tongue stimulates the glands to make more milk.

Is it supposed to hurt?
It’s normal to have nipple pain in the first few days as your milk comes in- sometimes really bad, seeing-stars kind of pain. But having an improper latch can also cause pain, so make sure the baby is sucking on the whole nipple, not just the tip. After the first few days, breastfeeding should be completely painless. If it’s not, consult with your pediatrician or a certified lactation consultant.

Does breastfeeding make babies smarter?
Several long-term studies have suggested that breastfed babies average about 2-5 more IQ points than their bottle-fed counterparts. But it’s nearly impossible to know if such a small difference is the result of breastmilk itself or other factors, like babies having more time to interact with their moms, or breastfeeding moms being healthier to begin with.

Will breastfeeding make my baby healthier?
Breastfeeding can’t keep your baby from ever getting sick, but the extra antibodies do make breastfed babies statistically less likely to get sick in the first year. Also, for reasons not fully understood, breastfed babies are also less likely to become obese or suffer chronic diseases as adults.

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