33 Weeks and Bleeding, Should I Worry?

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ok im about 33 weeks along and am in a rock and a hard place im visiting family and my fiance who recently moved 293 miles away from me. ive been here for about a month now. one day i woke up and i bled only for about five minutes of medium flow, do i have any thing to worry about? should i go see a doctor asap?”

Yes, if you experience any bleeding at all during the third trimester, other than light spotting after intercourse or a vaginal exam or “bloody show” within two weeks of your due date, you need to be seen by a doctor right away. The bleeding could be a sign of placental abruption, which is when the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus. This can be quite serious and can be fatal for the baby. It could also be a sign of placenta previa, which is when the uterus blocks the cervix. Previa can cause life-threatening bleeding during delivery and can make a vaginal delivery extremely dangerous. So it is critically important that you report this bleeding to your health care provider. If you’re out of town, call your health care provider at home, describe the bleeding, and have her fax a copy of your medical records to a local hospital.

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