Third Trimester – Here to Maternity

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Welcome to the third trimester, also known as weeks 28 through 40 (or more)! Your baby will grow from being a little over a pound to whatever her eventual birth weight is destined to be, and by the final weeks of pregnancy will be gaining almost half a pound a week. And you’ll go from being “is she or isn’t she?” pregnant to “whoa!” -sized.

7With your abdominal muscles stretched out it can be hard to get up from your bed or the floor! Roll over to your hands and knees and push up from there, and avoid unsupported squatting.

The baby is growing and your stomach is shrinking, it’s normal to feel like you’re hungry all the time. Stash snacks in your purse, car and office for when the munchies strike!

A lot of airlines won’t let you fly after 32 weeks, so if you’re going to take a vacation, this month is the time to go.
Your baby doubled her weight last month and is now about 2 1/4 pounds. If she was born today she would have more than an 80 percent chance of surviving.

By the end of this month she can open her eyes and look around.

She’ll start out with a lot of wiggle room but by the end of your pregnancy will be seriously squished in there!
8As the baby’s weight gain picks up it’s not unusual to have stabbing pains in your back, pelvis or even in the vaginal area.

Swollen feet and a bigger shoe size are common– slip-on comfy shoes are a must.
If you lie on your back in a semi-upright position you may be able to find your baby’s head, back and feet. The head will be a hard mass, the back will be firm, and a heel will feel like a large gumball below your rib cage. If you can’t figure out which part is which, ask your doctor or midwife to show you at the next visit.
9You’ll probably be having weekly visits to your doctor or midwife in the last month.

Because of the baby’s size, heartburn, constipation and hemorrhoids are common nuisances.

Baby showers are traditionally planned around week 36. Click here for our gear guide.

The 38th week or after is a good time to pack your hospital bag, for a checklist of what to pack click here.

Don’t forget to install your car seat, put sheets on the crib and ask someone to bring in your mail while you’re in the hospital — click here for a quick checklist of to-do’s.

If your due date has come and gone, don’t worry. The average first pregnancy is actually 41 weeks long. If you go to 42 weeks or longer, though, most doctors will urge an induction.
The baby’s lungs are the last thing to develop, and labor starts when the baby’s lungs emit a protein that signals that they’re ready, giving truth to the old adage “only a baby knows when it’s ready to be born!”

A baby weight of between 5 1/2 and 9 1/2 pounds is considered normal and healthy. Second babies tend to be bigger than first babies, and boys tend to be bigger than girls.


Next: See our checklist of 10 things you should do in the third trimester.

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