We tried to conceive in March. I won’t get my period for another few weeks. I just took an ovulation test and it was positive. Can I still be pregnant and ovulate?”
You can’t ovulate during pregnancy, but ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) will show a positive result both while you’re ovulating and while you’re pregnant. This is because OPKs test for lutenizing hormone (LH), which surges to trigger ovulation and also helps support a pregnancy. LH is also very close molecularly to hCG, the hormone that pregnancy tests detect. So if your prediction kit shows a dark line and you’re pretty sure you already ovulated this month, it could mean you’re pregnant, though other things can cause positive ovulation tests too. Take a pregnancy test as soon as your period is late to find out for sure!
Julia Morales says
Dear Marcie, I agree with you in totality. Undoubtedly, ovulation is key to pregnancy and evidently, there are myriad tools for testing the same. Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs) for luteinizing hormone (LH) is so naughty in showing positive ovulation results even while pregnant. Thanks for reiterating what I always uphold, that one should take a pregnancy test as soon as their period is late to find out for sure!
Best Regards,
Julia Morales.